Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And the 2011 CiMBAs go to...

After two rounds of voting--and reading lots of terrific classic movie posts--the Classic Movie Blog Association is pleased to announce the winners in this year's CiMBA Awards. All the nominees should be proud of what they accomplished. The competition was fierce and it will be hard for next year to top 2011. Congratulations to all the winners!

Best Film Review (Drama)
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, The Lady Eve's Reel Life, http://eves-reel-life.blogspot.com/2011/05/cmba-movies-of-1939-blogathon-private.html

Best Classic Movie Article
Mobsters, Pals and Skirts -- The Golden Age Of Gangster Movies -- 1930-1949 (The Complete Series), ClassicBecky’s Brain Food, http://www.classicbeckybrainfood.blogspot.com/2011/04/mobsters-pals-and-skirts-golden-age-of.html

Best Classic Movie Blog Event

Best Film Review (Musical or Comedy)

Best Profile of a Classic Movie Performer or Filmmaker
Celebrating Women in Film: The Silent Directors, True Classics, http://trueclassics.wordpress.com/2011/03/08/celebrating-women-female-directors/

Best Classic Movie Discussion (Tie)
3 on 3 Panel Discussions: Disney's Animated Films, Gangster Films, Film Noir, and Hammer Films, Classic Film & TV Café, http://classic-film-tv.blogspot.com/search/label/three%20on%20three%20panels

Best Classic Movie Blog Design
Via Margutta 51, www.via-51.blogspot.com/


  1. Congratulations to all the winners...and may you avoid the "CiMBA" curse! :-)

  2. There were some wonderful articles in this year competition. You ALL certainaly deserved the CiMBA award! Congrats!!

  3. Congrats and bravo and brava to everyone who won, placed, or showed in the CiMBA Awards! Looking forward to next year already! :-)
