The CMBA profiles two classic movie blogs per month, one on the 1st and the other on the 15th. Today we're featuring Java's Journey.
Java's Journey is a delightful blog that reviews an array of classic films, whether they are well known or not. Browsing through the site is like browsing through a jewellery store; you never know the gems you'll discover.
The reviews are only part of its charm. The series "Toast of the Town" curates online blog posts and resources, and the site offers helpful tips for those struggling with writer's block, such as this wonderful post: 100 Classic Movie Blog Post Ideas. (Try these ideas. They work!)

The CMBA profiles two classic movie blogs per month, one on the 1st and the other on the 15th. Today we're toasting Ivan of Thrilling Days of Yesteryear.
Reading Ivan's blog is like inviting a racconteur to a dinner party. He's witty, has lots of shrewd observations and isn't afraid to tell you what he thinks.
He's also prolific. Along with classic film, Thrilling Days of Yesteryear examines classic television series and television specials. Ivan treats readers to a thorough analysis in his posts, as though he were a long-time friend giving you the inside scoop.
And then there's his love of old time radio. Ivan also blogs at Radio Spirits, which is the Go To site for anyone interested in classic radio.
Occasionally, Ivan combines both of his passions for movie and old-time radio. One example is his review of the "Buck Benny Rides Again" series, a Western spoof from radio's popular The Jack Benny Program. "It would go on to become one of Benny's most popular running segments," writes Ivan. "[Benny's writers'] decided to bring 'Buck Benny' to the silver screen in 1940...with Buck Benny Rides Again, a most enjoyable Paramount musical comedy romp..."
You'll want to read this post – click HERE.