Sunday, September 29, 2024

CMBA presents: A Haunting Blogathon: In the Afterlife

CMBA presents: A Haunting Blogathon: In the Afterlife

The blogathon will run from November 11-15, 2024.

This event, for CMBA members only, allows you to explore the captivating theme of the afterlife in film. A realm where past and present are woven together and the echoes of lost souls connect us. But this exploration can also extend well beyond the supernatural. It invites us to reflect on the haunting nature of being tormented by the memories of trauma, abandonment, or unattainable love, the relentless pursuit of a dream just out of reach, or the depths of obsessions that linger like a shadow. Films dealing with the afterlife and hauntings are not all gloom and darkness. Some are quite funny and charming or have a unique beauty or performances that are haunting in themselves. These interwoven tropes reveal how we’re often haunted by people and events that shape our lives. In this coming season, which pays tribute to these inextricable experiences, let us celebrate! From phantoms to preoccupations… from the ethereal to the deeply personal.

Because there is such a variety of topics to choose from, we won't be accepting duplicates. Topic selections will be accepted in order of receipt.

To promote the blogathon on your blog, take your pick from any of the banners at the bottom of this post. 

We’re really looking forward to another great blogathon! 

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